Name: Riley
Codename: Foodie
Breed: Miniature Schnauzer
Age: 8 years
Hi there! I love going for excursions and smelling everything… I love to leave my scent everywhere too, so that others will know that I’ve been here.
There’s one thing that scares me a lot though, it’s thunder ⛈️! When the storm comes, I will start shivering and need to be calmed down by putting on my superhero cape! (aka Thundershirt).
My pals and I have been training hard and are ready to walk 🐕 ONE MILLION steps 🐾 to help our friends in Animal Lovers League. I really hope you will support us by showing love through your purse 👛 and giving as much as you can. On behalf of our friends at ALL, thank you!
Total Steps for Riley: 100,596